The doors of Evolving Parents are open! We can meet over the phone, on FaceTime or Skype…no matter our social distance, we can connect.
Contact. One of my most favorite books. Ever. Each autumn I had my Honors and AP Physics students read it and their culminating project was to create a piece of art. True Story. I also had the surreal experience of discussing the book with the author, Carl Sagan, over lunch. Another True Story.
3-2-1 Contact. Oh, I loved the PBS kids science show. Especially the crime solving Bloodhound Gang. All these years later I can still sing the jingles. Yet another True Story.
…the stories I want to hear most are yours.
So let’s make contact…
You can send me an email, fill in the details below or call (360) 951-0563.
Total social media maven? You can network with me here, or click away on the buttons to like, tweet or pin or read together!
Prefer good old fashion face-to-face time? Come join me at my office! I’m on the Westside of Olympia at 208 Rogers St. Olympia, WA 98502 (see google map).
Not in Kansas any more? Me neither. It doesn’t matter what your state of the union, we can connect. Coaching happens in person, over the phone, or by Skype.