

Welcome Fit4Mom! You are mothers of action. You are women who believe in the power of community. You know how to be a force for change in your own lives, and in the lives of your children.

I’ve had the opportunity to be a guest speaker a number of times at Fit4Mom classes and I love it. I love the energy and curiosity you bring to parenting.

Which is why I am issuing a special invitation to all Fit4Mom members to join us for the Evolving Parents Summer of Love.

Summer of Love is a free program that includes simple posts, easy ideas, fabulous ways to connect with your kiddos — that together create the best kind of parenting moments. By the time September arrives, we will have created a string of emotional twinkle lights- full of love. It is a place of small changes that create big impacts. It is also a community. The program is complimented by an open Facebook group that allows members to pose questions, respond to comments, and discover new friendships.

w0bannerweek O for organize:

Organize the summer. If rolling up your sleeves and creating a plan is your kind of happiness, begin right here.


w1bannerweek 1 we create:

Finish the O? Or not really a type A? well, then, let’s get started. week 1 is here.


w2bannerweek 2: we slow it all down…

it is time to slow down. and twinkle.




Emily McMason is a personal & parent coach in private practice. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education from Harvard University and a graduate certificate in Parent Coaching from Seattle Pacific University, and has been working with families since 1992. Possibly her best education comes from her two children, ages 13 and 8.

Would you like to join the conversation? Click here to join us on Facebook. {then look to the right hand side to request the group!}

Free Guide: 5 changes in 5 minutes to make parenting better, easier, right now!