summer of love — week 3









this week, look for the fireworks.

Now, you might be thinking I mean look up. into the sky. at the bursts overhead. nope.

and you might be thinking I mean look out. for the temper tantrums. the explosions. the meltdowns. nope. nope. nope.

this week is about watching. looking for the itty-bitty tiny things that fill your child’s heart with wonder:

  • the importance of not stepping on cracks in the sidewalk.
  • the squeal of delight at spying a ladybug.
  • the minute-by-minute description down to the smallest detail about their favorite matchbox.

All of the little moments that fill your child’s heart with pure joy.

The same moments when we are usually too focused, going too fast, too filled by responsibility to see.

It is hard work to re-learn how to enjoy the simple. to appreciate the now.

but our children? school is out. they already know this. in fact, they have never stopped.

 so this week, watch for their fireworks.

wk3dmwatch your children and…un-learn busy. un-learn judgement. un-learn distraction. Pause when we want to say PleaseHurryUp. and instead say PleaseTellMeMore.




reach out to your sumbud. How are they? How are you? How is it going watching for fireworks?



listen for the un-balance. click here for our podcast on the magic of leading an unbalanced life.

value. what is the next one on your list? decide how to highlight it in the week ahead. {here are ideas}.


Pull out your weekly calendar. See the sweet space for feelings? When you think about all that you are grateful for this week, how do you feel? record it here. just a word. or two. to remember the love.





Free Guide: 5 changes in 5 minutes to make parenting better, easier, right now!